A City of Statues

Budapest is scattered with statues. And there are the normal ones elevated on pedestals in iron and bronze, representing important people, memorials and monuments. But there are also statues that seem to have no meaning, but are simply there for artistic purposes and are simply fun. So I'd thought I'd take you through a tour of these hidden gems you can find all over the city.

We'll start with the man and the dog. I've already posted this picture, but this was before I had discovered the other ones.

A man on a bridge

Ronald Reagan in Budapest

 The man depicted below is created to represent the human struggles throughout Hungarian history

He looks like he's in the zone

 Keep up the good work my friend

The Little Princess

This one's just cute

A well fed policeman stands near our apartment and keeps watch



  1. hahaha ronald reagan and the "well fed" policeman :D :D

    ....i may or may not just comment on all of these posts =P =)


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