Halloween in Prague, Take 2

Our second day in the Czech Republic took us to Kutna Hora, known for the Ossuary, or better known as the Church of Bones. Now here was the Halloween I was waiting for. Kutna Hora delivered. Albeit, it was creepy and disturbing, but nonetheless a setting more appropriate for the recent holiday. 

Shall we take the tour?

A chandelier composed of every type of bone in the human body

I don't even know. 

Easily the creepiest thing I've seen in a long time

Should we be smiling? No one really knows.

After that lovely tour we wandered around a small part of the city, relaxing, taking our time and just seeing what there was to be seen. We ran into a Halloween party. Of sorts.

 If it takes place in an abandon building it must be good right?

Actually, it turned out to be a low key atmosphere with live music, food and small selection of wares to buy. And face painting! But that was for the kids. It was a cool unexpected find and gave us a chance to unwind a bit.

This photo makes me feel artistic

Alexis keeping it cool


A last minute discovery before we had to take the train back to Prague.

On the way to and from the train station we found this synagogue that was nestled in between two completely inconspicuous buildings. We were walking along and then Bam! Gorgeous synagogue.

We also watched a soccer game, but I have no pictures of that. All in all, November 1st was a much better Halloween than October 31st. So I got my holiday after all :D Hooray! Kutna Hora was a good day. The sun was out, and other than the creepy church, it was pleasant, relaxing day. So Happy Halloween! Take 2!



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