Appreciating October

Alright, man. Where did October go? I feel like it lasted for 3 days and then it left before I realized it had shown up.

We’ll start with what’s new. I started attending the Danube International Church and I joined a bible study. Easily my favorite decision I’ve made here. I feel like this is what makes living in a new place worth it, because it gives me the opportunity to meet new believers and find new communities of Christians no matter where I might be in life. It’s comforting to know that I was able to find a place where people are encouraging my spiritual growth, and its absolutely awesome that we share this faith because it creates a commonality between all of us. No matter where we’re from. The bible study is composed of people from all over: Finland, Hungary, the United States and even Madagascar. Recently I’ve realized that I’m going to miss these people when I return to the states. I may not know them very well, but for the time being, they have kind of become a family of sorts for me. And everyone was so open in welcoming me into their group and I can’t appreciate them enough for it. Studying with these missionaries, college students, and counselors, I’ve learned even more about myself and what God has planned for me.

Budapest is growing on me. Of all the cities I’ve visited in Europe, it’s my favorite. And maybe some of that has to do with the amount of time I’ve spent here. Even when you put that aside, Budapest is an incredible city, and I’m growing more fond of it. And I’m still sure that I never want to live in a city permanently, but I know that as I move forward in life, a piece of my home will be here in Budapest –which is really cool to me personally. As I’ve only just been able to call Oregon home –and I’ve lived there for 10 years – this is a big deal. I’m really glad I chose to study here. I think it was a smart decision to come here and live this new world of experiences before jumping back into school at OSU. Much of October was spent here in the city, and I think that allowed me to get to know the city from a personal standpoint.

A highlight of this month in fact came from a weekend spent enjoying the sunshine, exploring parks, and losing my phone:

Valarie and I were rolling down a hill in the city park one weekend, enjoying the sunshine and laughing our heads off, when a woman came up to us with her child, who was absolutely enthralled with our rolling. And soon enough all four of us were rolling down the hill, laughing like idiots. Val and I said our goodbyes to the lady and her son and walked on. Only later that evening did I realize I had left my phone on the hill. Stressed and freaked out we returned the next day with a silver of hope that it was still there. But it was gone. Instead, we found a note, addressed to the Rolling Down the Hill Girls. It was the woman from the day before. She had found my phone and had left her number for us to find. I was so relieved and couldn’t believe my luck. It was honestly a beautiful blessing and reassurance that there is still hope for humanity. I managed to retrieve my phone a few days later and express my gratitude to Luca.

In other news, I bought a hat! I bought my first beanie/hat ever which was exciting. The weather is getting really cold and I’m crossing my fingers for snow! I took all my midterms with reasonable confidence and I’m getting good at making cake. Now if I can just finish my psychology project the stress levels would diminish significantly.

October was a good month, as a general rule, it is usually one of my favorites, and this year was no exception.

A thank you to everyone who is supporting me back home, because of course, none of this is possible without you guys. As always, thanks for reading.



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