Pest Control

Lion fish hunts were quite exciting and always turned into a competitive searching game. There were a couple of sites you could rely on finding one or two, it was just a matter of who could find them first. And while finding them wasn't too difficult, catching them proved to be a different story. 

Going on a lionfish hunt

There be lionfish in these parts

We know they're out there

Can't hide forever

Not with Sophie and I on patrol

What's that I spy?

All of the hunts I went on with Frontier ended without success. Sometimes David or Sophie could snag them in the prongs of the sling, but never managed a deadly strike before the lionfish would slip out of our grasp. 

David goes in for the killing blow

But it masterfully escapes!

The lionfish will live to see another day.

Here's another one we didn't manage to kill

Maybe being a conservationist runs too deep in our blood, or maybe the lion fish in Belize are extra crafty, or maybe none of us were very good at using a sling, either way, killing a lion fish turned out to be a whole lot more technical that just throwing a spear at a fish and hoping for something to happen. 


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