First post

First things first, title credit goes to Meera Petroff :) Okay, so take two on the blog scene. My first blog was an attempt at book reviews as a teenager in high school. That project failed miserably. But as a travel-loving individual, and since my first study abroad experience is about to start this fall, it's come to my attention that I should keep a blog about all my travels. So here I am, adding to the copious amounts of cheesy, jealousy-inducing travel blogs in the world. I cannot promise to be any more exciting or original but I make a vow to limit the amount of food pictures. Personally I find travel blogs boring, few actually retain my interest all the way through, and if you are anything like me, you will probably just scroll through the pictures. So why am I making this? Because documenting my experiences is useful not only for the people who are funding my trip (who want to make sure I am indeed in the right country) but it is also useful to remind myself what I've been up to and it's easier than re-explaining my day-by-day to each person who wants to know. I will do my best to keep my blogs relatively short and interesting, as well as updating it regularly. (When traveling).
     - Natalie (I don't have a good pseudonym yet or catchy sign off)


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